NEWS for the Plastic and Rubber Industry

ARBURG Presented Press Conference at NPE 2018

Arburg, a leading provider of manufacturing solutions for the plastic industry, presented its Press Conference at NPE 2018 in Orlando.

At the NPE, our ALLROUNDER 1120 H is celebrating its American premiere. The ALLROUNDER 1120 H represents a very demanded injection molding machine size in United States.

“With our new large machine, we have expanded our clamping force range upwards by 30 percent. It features an impressive clamping force of 730 tons or 6.500 kN. The market for the ALLROUNDER 1120 H in America is ready and, accordingly, we are expecting a high level of demand. Our trade fair machine has already been sold, and we have received further inquiries,” said Gerhard Bohm, Managing Director Sales, Arburg.

With the new large machine, the new ARBURG machine design and the new GESTICA control system have also been introduced.

“However, technology alone isn't everything. Further decisive factors include the comprehensive range of services that the ARBURG teams offer their customers at the local level, worldwide,” Gerhrad Bohm addeed.

Under the banner "WIR SIND DA", which means something like “We are here”, Arburg describes the values for which the company has always stood: an uncompromisingly commitment to the interests of customers and partners at all times and everywhere, worldwide.

In 2017 Arburg have once again invested heavily into the production site. 21.5 million euros, the investments amount to 11 percent more than the previous year.

The main focus were production technology and logistics, in order to further increase efficiency in production.

ARBURG has now a presence in the US with a fully-owned organization for almost three decades and has grown continuously during that time: ARBURG Inc. was founded in Newington in 1990.

In 1993, the ARBURG Technology Center California in Irvine was also established, followed by the ARBURG Technology Center Midwest in Elgin in 2007.

An important milestone in 2015 was also the relocation of the headquarters to the 27,000 square-foot ARBURG building in Rocky Hill, Connecticut.

In the meantime, in the US about 14,000 ALLROUNDER machines producing quality parts for all sectors have been installed: Medical, Automotive, Packaging, Optics, Technical Injection Molding and Electronics.

“One important area is also the After Sales Service support, for which our customers attest to our extremely high competency and speed of delivery. Reasons for this include the fact that we exclusively use our own ARBURG service technicians in whom we invest a great deal of systematic training,” Bohm said.

Digitalization is also the focus at NPE 2018

With more than 30 years of experience in automated and IT-networked production, ARBURG is a leading player within the industry in this regard, both in terms of digital products and customer service.

“With specific applications for "Industrie 4.0 – powered by Arburg", we have for years been presenting the topic of "digital transformation" at trade shows in a very instructive and practice-oriented manner – this is also the case at the NPE,“ said Heinz Gaub, Managing Director Technology & Engineering, Arburg. 

In the digital world, the machine operator will more and more be served thanks to assistance systems. This is already the reality in the consumer area, has long been the case in the automotive sector, and is an inexorable development in the machine construction industry.

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