NEWS for the Plastic and Rubber Industry

CHINAPLAS 2017 Receives 155.000 Visitors

CHINAPLAS 2017 received 155.258 visitors, an all time record of attendance. This year participation was 4.5% higher than the previous year, and 21.05 % higher than the 2015 year.

CHINAPLAS 2017 gathered 3485 exhibitors from 38 countries.

The show presented a clear focus on sustainability, where several companies presented sustainable innovations.

For example, Dupont introduced Zytel HTN, a high performance polyamide and Hytrel, a high performance polyester elastomer.

Machinery  sector was also very focused on innovation, where KraussMaffei featured its new all-electric PX series, which features a wide combination of  all-electric injection technology.

CHINAPLAS 2017 also featured 3 concurrent events: 2nd Industry 4.0 Conference, 3rd Medical Plastics Conference and Design X Innovation.